Wednesday 16 November 2016

and more....

Gosh so many of my journals over the years host pages of words spewing forth the love that I believe underpins our relationship, Chella....
..of course it's not always been easy...he's  hung in there helping me find my way through it all.. and me him..he's often the one who suggests something that has taken my healing to the next level.... hey and he's the first to admit there's no perfect although I'd argue he's 'my perfect' soul mate.. I've added more to those pages over the last few weeks....
'You're my evergreen love....enduring all seasons...
When I blow cool you prepare to button down the hatches for  my wild hurricane and then let it surround my stone coldness your warm willful love irresistibly wakes me up and brings me back to life melting all thats frosty and forlorn.... a breather perhaps as the cool air passes over your shoulders and my sun emerges bright and glorious full of energy and it has you itching to catch me up!... and soon the burn of the fire  ...oh our glowing hearts...the searing heat passing through your smooth constant psyche ...I heard you holler "Whoooaaa" but you always ride along for a while until like children we topple off... burnt,a little frazzled and smiling....oh my the  summers of crazy energies and moods sooo high... and now these are our glory days of autumn my love... going slowly watching the beauty of endings and the inevitable renewal that turns out beautifully sleepy days where the sunshine and cold winds dance .....  that bite in the air as we walk in perfect time together....  your eyes are always full of our glorious autumn"

And it doesn't end anytime sooooon..

"Sometimes I find I'm obsessed with your form......can you feel it?
I stroke my hands over your muscular frame and think thoughts of love in those dark sleepless nights and smile at the snores!
Stirred by the memories of those young gently lustful nights when we stirred in our dreamy state and we're held in union surrounded by smouldering  love... we never denied ourselves that ... its sensually pleasing experience  is etched in my memory and right now is my 'go to' bathing me in a heavenly glow....
And when I curl myself next to you and your warm sleeping body and I say 'this is how I want to be buried' I do remember our souls are as one so what would it matter how we be buried?..but I like to say it because right now I love this physical existence with you and my body and mind appreciates you sooo much and in this place awake or sleeping I am sure it is my right place to your side"


"Love is a choice.... and believe me you made that choice an easy one, steady sensual presence, sweet and boy like wonderings and those wise and tolerant stand offs... I love it when you stand firm in your own quiet persona.... you wear your emotions just the same as any heart covered sleeve....I see them, I read them and get earth angel, my wise man,my lover, my Chel.....the choice was such an easy one... my love "....

OK done for now!

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