Thursday 15 December 2016

Peace in the darkness

I was sooooo drawn to wanting , even needing, to draw a card from this beautiful transformational 'go to' tarot deck... and wow this one said it all.....I'm very much in tune with the moon and the meaning behind this card resonated so strongly.... and is completely were I am at ...I am 'medium term' sitting with 'sadness' but am discovering a real contented state in sitting with this its hard to explain , meditation and yoga are helping me feel comfortable and spacious with it and I am not has been my main disposition since October. Yes strong perimenapausal symptoms are flowing but I feel there is a bigger picture of a more spiritual and soulful nature....and that's the journey not solely the physical physiological situation.I'm feeling reassured , inspired, encouraged and guided by the moon cycles and am 'birthing" a 2017 journal which will involve working with the moon and seasons cycles in my art journalling... journey on x

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